In this issue of our Estate Planning Newsletter
What To Know About Trusts and Taxes
If you decide to set up a trust as part of your estate planning process, you might find yourself wondering if you will be responsible for related tax filings. Click through to discover more about the ins and outs of trusts as well as who pays income taxes on the assets within trusts.
Step-Up in Basis Rule is an Heir’s Best Friend
The step-up in basis provision is a powerful tool in the estate planning workbox. It helps families shield inheritances from estate tax.
Back to Basics in Investing
No one is born innately knowing how to invest in the stock market. Even the most educated, talented or successful people become nervous about risking their hard-earned savings.
Protect Your Digital Assets
In today’s world, digital assets include everything from documents that have been saved virtually in the cloud to e-commerce products and virtual currency. Click through to learn about how you can create a safe atmosphere for the preservation and protection of your company’s digital assets.