In this issue of our Estate Planning Newsletter

Are You Ready To Downsize Your Home?

Have your adult children moved out? Is your home filled with rooms you no longer use? Maybe you’re tired of mowing the lawn and raking the leaves. Click through to see how downsizing may fit into your long-term estate plan.

Should You Explore Phased Retirement?

Gradually exiting from the workforce; sound interesting? You’ll work part time, take on seasonal work, freelance for clients or maybe start your own business. Click through to learn how to supplement your retirement account with partial income.

Different Kinds of Long-Term Care Facilities

When home care is no longer an option for the seniors in your life, you might be considering the idea of moving them into a residential facility. However, how do you know that the time is right?  Click through to learn about resources that can help you, including ranking sites and long-term care ombudsmen.

A Watched Investment Pot Never Boils

Are you bored with closely watching your investments in retirement? Don’t spend your time brooding over your investment returns; that’s not the way to make your money last. Click through for some commonsense advice on financial attitudes in retirement.

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