In this issue of our Estate Planning Newsletter
How to Choose the Right Probate Lawyer
Someday, you will likely need to engage an attorney to deal with an estate or trust. How much will it cost once the meter starts running, and who will be responsible? And how do you choose?
Long-Term Advantages of Home Ownership
A home is a place to live, but it can also be an important part of your estate plan. First, consider all the tax breaks you can get. Click through for a dive into the financial aspects of home ownership to help you make long-term plans.
A Close Look At a Trustee’s Duties
It may be obvious, but it’s important to note anyway that “trust” is inside “trustee.” Few relationships are more reliant on impeccable ethical behavior.
Roping Yourself to the Mast With a Robo Adviser
The future is here: Computer programs can actually help you with your investment. But are they accurate? Are they useful? Click through to see what’s involved, so you can make an informed decision about whether they’re right for you.