In this issue of our Estate Planning Newsletter

Can You Use Charitable Trusts?

You can reduce the tax burden your heirs incur on their inheritance — while you support meaningful charities. Click through to learn how to use charitable trusts for income tax deductions and savings on estate and gift taxes.

How To Divide an Estate Among Heirs

A death in the family can unfortunately bring out the worst in people — but an estate plan can serve as a proxy for love. Click through for tips on dividing up an estate without creating too much controversy.

Estate Planning: Necessary for Singles?

If you don’t have a spouse or children to provide for, estate planning can be a low priority. But a lack of dependents doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think about what will happen to your assets. Click through for some tips on estate planning for singles.

The Non-Financials of Retirement

Usually, when people talk about retirement planning, they mean their 401(k) and Social Security payments. But planning out a happy retirement is about more than making sure you have money to live on. Click through to learn about the “other side” of retirement planning.

Read the full newsletter.


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