In this issue of our Estate Planning Newsletter

Joseph R. Marion ​​​​​​​Joins Whelan, Corrente, Flanders, LLP

As of February 15, 2021, Joseph R. Marion has joined our firm. Previously, he was with Adler Pollock & Sheehan, PC. Joseph is excited to share the news with his clients. “This change will allow my team to focus solely on my client’s needs, which will result in better customer service and will allow me to reduce my rates.”

The Secret Power of Trusts

Do you have a will? That’s great, but it’s only a beginning. You may also want a trust, which, contrary to popular belief, is not just for the wealthy. Click through for an overview of the problems trusts can solve.

What To Know About the Alternative Minimum Tax

The dreaded AMT has been with us for a while, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t changed over the years. Is it likely to affect you, and if so, how? Click through for a review of the AMT and what it may mean to you.

Your Grandchildren and Your Estate

A good estate plan can take many turns, and one of them may include skipping a generation and moving straight to your grandchildren. Click through to learn how this can work, and what kinds of tools you’ll need.

How To Raise and Maintain a Credit Score

More than ever, in today’s tumultuous world, it is important to maintain a good credit score, even while economic difficulties make it tough. Click through to learn how to build and maintain healthy credit habits in good times and bad.

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