In this issue of our Estate Planning Newsletter

For Estate Planning, Try FIRE

Have you ever dreamed of an early and comfortable retirement, with the flexibility to spend years of your life doing what you enjoy? Then the Financial Independence, Retire Early movement may be just the thing for you. Click through to see whether this can work for you.

Your Property Insurance Bill? You Have More Control Over It Than You Think

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t give much thought to your property insurance, especially if your lender pays your insurance bill on your behalf through the escrow process. Click through to learn why ignoring your policy might be costing you money.

What Are the Different Kinds of Trusts?

Trusts are commonly used when people want to make sure their assets — such as money, property, investments or a business — will be passed along to their beneficiaries once they die.

Stepfamilies and Estate Planning

Worried about children from previous relationships complicating your estate planning process? Click through to consider whether leaving everything to your new spouse is a fair and equitable choice on behalf of all your children.

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